/* GENERAL --------------------------------------*/ variable "hosts_subdomain" { description = "Domain for hosts entries." default = "hosts" } variable "public_domain" { description = "Public DNS Domain address" default = "dap.ps" } /* ENVIRONMENT ----------------------------------*/ variable "group" { description = "Name of Ansible group" default = "dap-ps-dev" } variable "env" { description = "Name of environment to create" default = "dapps" } variable "ssh_user" { description = "Default user to use when accesing host via SSH." default = "ubuntu" } variable "stack_name" { description = "Elastic Beanstalk stack, e.g. Docker, Go, Node, Java, IIS." default = "64bit Amazon Linux 2 v5.6.0 running Node.js 14" /* http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/concepts.platforms.html */ } /* DEV Dap.ps -----------------------------------*/ variable "dap_ps_app_bucket_name" { description = "Name of bucket to which we deploy the dap.ps dapp" default = "dev-dap-ps-app" } /* SES FORWARDER --------------------------------*/ variable "ses_forwarder_bucket_name" { description = "Name of bucket to use for storing forwarded emails" default = "ses-forwarder-emails" } variable "ses_forwarder_admin_account_arn" { description = "Name of bucket to use for storing forwarded emails" default = "arn:aws:iam::760668534108:user/jakubgs" }