
179 lines
4.9 KiB

import type {
} from "@waku/interfaces";
import { proto_message as proto } from "@waku/proto";
import debug from "debug";
const log = debug("waku:message:version-0");
const OneMillion = BigInt(1_000_000);
export const Version = 0;
export { proto };
export class DecodedMessage implements IDecodedMessage {
public pubSubTopic: string,
protected proto: proto.WakuMessage
) {}
get ephemeral(): boolean {
return Boolean(this.proto.ephemeral);
get payload(): Uint8Array {
return this.proto.payload;
get contentTopic(): string {
return this.proto.contentTopic;
get _rawTimestamp(): bigint | undefined {
return this.proto.timestamp;
get timestamp(): Date | undefined {
// In the case we receive a value that is bigger than JS's max number,
// we catch the error and return undefined.
try {
if (this.proto.timestamp) {
// nanoseconds 10^-9 to milliseconds 10^-3
const timestamp = this.proto.timestamp / OneMillion;
return new Date(Number(timestamp));
} catch (e) {
get meta(): Uint8Array | undefined {
return this.proto.meta;
get version(): number {
// https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/
// > If omitted, the value SHOULD be interpreted as version 0.
return this.proto.version ?? 0;
get rateLimitProof(): IRateLimitProof | undefined {
return this.proto.rateLimitProof;
export class Encoder implements IEncoder {
public contentTopic: string,
public ephemeral: boolean = false,
public metaSetter?: IMetaSetter
) {
if (!contentTopic || contentTopic === "") {
throw new Error("Content topic must be specified");
async toWire(message: IMessage): Promise<Uint8Array> {
return proto.WakuMessage.encode(await this.toProtoObj(message));
async toProtoObj(message: IMessage): Promise<IProtoMessage> {
const timestamp = message.timestamp ?? new Date();
const protoMessage = {
payload: message.payload,
version: Version,
contentTopic: this.contentTopic,
timestamp: BigInt(timestamp.valueOf()) * OneMillion,
meta: undefined,
rateLimitProof: message.rateLimitProof,
ephemeral: this.ephemeral
if (this.metaSetter) {
const meta = this.metaSetter(protoMessage);
return { ...protoMessage, meta };
return protoMessage;
* Creates an encoder that encode messages without Waku level encryption or signature.
* An encoder is used to encode messages in the [14/WAKU2-MESSAGE](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/)
* format to be sent over the Waku network. The resulting encoder can then be
* pass to { @link @waku/interfaces!ISender.send } to automatically encode outgoing
* messages.
export function createEncoder({
}: EncoderOptions): Encoder {
return new Encoder(contentTopic, ephemeral, metaSetter);
export class Decoder implements IDecoder<DecodedMessage> {
constructor(public contentTopic: string) {
if (!contentTopic || contentTopic === "") {
throw new Error("Content topic must be specified");
fromWireToProtoObj(bytes: Uint8Array): Promise<IProtoMessage | undefined> {
const protoMessage = proto.WakuMessage.decode(bytes);
log("Message decoded", protoMessage);
return Promise.resolve({
payload: protoMessage.payload,
contentTopic: protoMessage.contentTopic,
version: protoMessage.version ?? undefined,
timestamp: protoMessage.timestamp ?? undefined,
meta: protoMessage.meta ?? undefined,
rateLimitProof: protoMessage.rateLimitProof ?? undefined,
ephemeral: protoMessage.ephemeral ?? false
async fromProtoObj(
pubSubTopic: string,
proto: IProtoMessage
): Promise<DecodedMessage | undefined> {
// https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/
// > If omitted, the value SHOULD be interpreted as version 0.
if (proto.version ?? 0 !== Version) {
"Failed to decode due to incorrect version, expected:",
", actual:",
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
return new DecodedMessage(pubSubTopic, proto);
* Creates a decoder that decode messages without Waku level encryption.
* A decoder is used to decode messages from the [14/WAKU2-MESSAGE](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/)
* format when received from the Waku network. The resulting decoder can then be
* pass to { @link @waku/interfaces!IReceiver.subscribe } to automatically decode incoming
* messages.
* @param contentTopic The resulting decoder will only decode messages with this content topic.
export function createDecoder(contentTopic: string): Decoder {
return new Decoder(contentTopic);