rebase changes for db

This commit is contained in:
advaita-saha 2024-05-04 23:04:51 +05:30
parent 7972a43908
commit 11b5f37bac
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 33CFA1C66B77807C
1 changed files with 456 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -217,3 +217,459 @@ proc getAccount(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, shouldCreate = true): Re
# cache the account
ac.savePoint.cache[address] = result
proc clone(acc: RefAccount, cloneStorage: bool): RefAccount =
result.account = acc.account
result.flags = acc.flags
result.code = acc.code
if cloneStorage:
result.originalStorage = acc.originalStorage
# it's ok to clone a table this way
result.overlayStorage = acc.overlayStorage
# TODO: Verify logic
proc isEmpty(acc: RefAccount): bool =
result = acc.account.codeHash == EMPTY_SHA3 and # in verkle codeHash might not be be == EMPTY_CODE_HASH
acc.account.balance.isZero and
acc.account.nonce == 0
template exists(acc: RefAccount): bool =
Alive in acc.flags
proc originalStorageValue(acc: RefAccount, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256, db: VerkleTrie): UInt256 =
# share the same original storage between multiple
# versions of account
if acc.originalStorage.isNil:
acc.originalStorage = newTable[UInt256, UInt256]()
acc.originalStorage[].withValue(slot, val) do:
return val[]
# Not in the original values cache - go to the DB.
var (slotAsKey, subIndex) = createTrieKeyFromSlot(slot.toBytesBE())
discard subIndex
let foundRecord = db.getSlotBytes(address, slotAsKey.toBytesBE())
result = UInt256.fromBytesBE(foundRecord)
acc.originalStorage[slot] = result
proc storageValue(acc: RefAccount, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256, db: VerkleTrie): UInt256 =
acc.overlayStorage.withValue(slot, val) do:
return val[]
result = acc.originalStorageValue(address, slot, db)
proc kill(acc: RefAccount) =
acc.flags.excl Alive
acc.originalStorage = nil
acc.account = newAccount()
acc.code = default(seq[byte])
PersistMode = enum
proc persistMode(acc: RefAccount): PersistMode =
result = DoNothing
if Alive in acc.flags:
if IsNew in acc.flags or Dirty in acc.flags:
result = Update
if IsNew notin acc.flags:
result = Remove
proc persistCode(acc: RefAccount, address: EthAddress, db: VerkleTrie) =
if acc.code.len != 0:
when defined(geth):
VerkleTrieRef(db).updateContractCode(address, acc.account.codeHash, acc.code)
VerkleTrieRef(db).updateContractCode(address, acc.account.codeHash, acc.code)
proc persistStorage(acc: RefAccount, address: EthAddress, db: VerkleTrie, clearCache: bool) =
if acc.overlayStorage.len == 0:
if not clearCache and acc.originalStorage.isNil:
acc.originalStorage = newTable[UInt256, UInt256]()
for slot, value in acc.overlayStorage:
var (slotAsKey, subIndex) = createTrieKeyFromSlot(slot.toBytesBE())
discard subIndex
if value > 0:
var slotBytes = slotAsKey.toBytesBE()
var valueToBytes = value.toBytesBE()
db.putSlotBytes(address, slotBytes, valueToBytes)
## No delete operation for now in Kaustinen
if not clearCache:
# if we preserve cache, move the overlayStorage
# to originalStorage, related to EIP2200, EIP1283
for slot, value in acc.overlayStorage:
if value > 0:
acc.originalStorage[slot] = value
proc getBalance*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): UInt256 {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: emptyAcc.balance
else: acc.account.balance
proc getNonce*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): AccountNonce {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: emptyAcc.nonce
else: acc.account.nonce
proc getCodeSize*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): int {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: 0
else: acc.code.len
proc getCodeHash*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): Hash256 {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: emptyAcc.codeHash
else: acc.account.codeHash
proc makeDirty(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, cloneStorage = true): RefAccount =
ac.isDirty = true
result = ac.getAccount(address)
if address in ac.savePoint.cache:
# it's already in latest savepoint
result.flags.incl Dirty
# put a copy into latest savepoint
result = result.clone(cloneStorage)
result.flags.incl Dirty
ac.savePoint.cache[address] = result
# TODO : Verify the logic of empty hash for verkle
proc hasCodeOrNonce*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): bool {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
acc.account.nonce != 0 or acc.account.codeHash != EMPTY_SHA3 # for verkle this might not be the EMPTY_CODE_HASH
proc accountExists*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): bool {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
proc isEmptyAccount*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): bool {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
doAssert not acc.isNil
doAssert acc.exists()
proc isDeadAccount*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): bool =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
return true
if not acc.exists():
return true
proc setBalance*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, balance: UInt256) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {Alive}
if acc.account.balance != balance:
ac.makeDirty(address).account.balance = balance
proc addBalance*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, delta: UInt256) {.inline.} =
# EIP161: We must check emptiness for the objects such that the account
# clearing (0,0,0 objects) can take effect.
if delta.isZero:
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
if acc.isEmpty:
ac.makeDirty(address).flags.incl Touched
ac.setBalance(address, ac.getBalance(address) + delta)
proc subBalance*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, delta: UInt256) {.inline.} =
if delta.isZero:
# This zero delta early exit is important as shown in EIP-4788.
# If the account is created, it will change the state.
# But early exit will prevent the account creation.
# In this case, the SYSTEM_ADDRESS
ac.setBalance(address, ac.getBalance(address) - delta)
proc setNonce*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, nonce: AccountNonce) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {Alive}
if acc.account.nonce != nonce:
ac.makeDirty(address).account.nonce = nonce
proc incNonce*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress) {.inline.} =
ac.setNonce(address, ac.getNonce(address) + 1)
proc setStorage*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, slot, value: UInt256) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {Alive}
let oldValue = acc.storageValue(address, slot, ac.trie)
if oldValue != value:
var acc = ac.makeDirty(address)
acc.overlayStorage[slot] = value
acc.flags.incl StorageChanged
proc clearStorage*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress) =
# a.k.a createStateObject. If there is an existing account with
# the given address, it is overwritten.
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {Alive, NewlyCreated}
if acc.account.storageRoot != EMPTY_ROOT_HASH:
# there is no point to clone the storage since we want to remove it
let acc = ac.makeDirty(address, cloneStorage = false)
acc.account.storageRoot = EMPTY_ROOT_HASH
if acc.originalStorage.isNil.not:
# also clear originalStorage cache, otherwise
# both getStorage and getCommittedStorage will
# return wrong value
proc setCode*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, code: seq[byte]) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {Alive}
let codeHash = keccakHash(code)
if acc.account.codeHash != codeHash:
var acc = ac.makeDirty(address)
acc.account.codeHash = codeHash
acc.code = code
acc.flags.incl CodeChanged
proc deleteAccount*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress) =
# make sure all savepoints already committed
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
proc selfDestruct*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress) =
ac.setBalance(address, 0.u256)
ac.savePoint.selfDestruct.incl address
proc selfDestruct6780*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
if NewlyCreated in acc.flags:
proc selfDestructLen*(ac: AccountsCache): int =
proc addLogEntry*(ac: AccountsCache, log: Log) =
ac.savePoint.logEntries.add log
proc logEntries*(ac: AccountsCache): seq[Log] =
proc getAndClearLogEntries*(ac: AccountsCache): seq[Log] =
result = ac.savePoint.logEntries
proc ripemdSpecial*(ac: AccountsCache) =
ac.ripemdSpecial = true
proc deleteEmptyAccount(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
if not acc.isEmpty:
if not acc.exists:
proc clearEmptyAccounts(ac: AccountsCache) =
for address, acc in ac.savePoint.cache:
if Touched in acc.flags and
acc.isEmpty and acc.exists:
if ac.ripemdSpecial:
ac.ripemdSpecial = false
iterator addresses*(ac: AccountsCache): EthAddress =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
for address, _ in ac.savePoint.cache:
yield address
iterator accounts*(ac: AccountsCache): Account =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
for _, account in ac.savePoint.cache:
yield account.account
iterator pairs*(ac: AccountsCache): (EthAddress, Account) =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
for address, account in ac.savePoint.cache:
yield (address, account.account)
# Storage iterator missing @agnxsh
iterator cachedStorage*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): (UInt256, UInt256) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if not acc.isNil:
if not acc.originalStorage.isNil:
for k, v in acc.originalStorage:
yield (k, v)
proc accessList*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress) {.inline.} =
proc accessList*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256) {.inline.} =
ac.savePoint.accessList.add(address, slot)
func inAccessList*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): bool =
var sp = ac.savePoint
while sp != nil:
result = sp.accessList.contains(address)
if result:
sp = sp.parentSavepoint
func inAccessList*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): bool =
var sp = ac.savePoint
while sp != nil:
result = sp.accessList.contains(address, slot)
if result:
sp = sp.parentSavepoint
func getTransientStorage*(ac: AccountsCache,
address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): UInt256 =
var sp = ac.savePoint
while sp != nil:
let (ok, res) = sp.transientStorage.getStorage(address, slot)
if ok:
return res
sp = sp.parentSavepoint
proc setTransientStorage*(ac: AccountsCache,
address: EthAddress, slot, val: UInt256) =
ac.savePoint.transientStorage.setStorage(address, slot, val)
proc clearTransientStorage*(ac: AccountsCache) {.inline.} =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
func getAccessList*(ac: AccountsCache): common.AccessList =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
proc persist*(ac: AccountsCache,
clearEmptyAccount: bool = false,
clearCache: bool = true) =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
var cleanAccounts = initHashSet[EthAddress]()
if clearEmptyAccount:
for address in ac.savePoint.selfDestruct:
for address, acc in ac.savePoint.cache:
case acc.persistMode()
of Update:
if CodeChanged in acc.flags:
acc.persistCode(address, ac.trie)
if StorageChanged in acc.flags:
# storageRoot must be updated first
# before persisting account into merkle trie
acc.persistStorage(address, ac.trie, clearCache)
ac.trie.putAccountBytes address, acc.account
of Remove:
VerkleTrieRef(ac.trie).delAccountBytes address
if not clearCache:
cleanAccounts.incl address
of DoNothing:
# dead man tell no tales
# remove touched dead account from cache
if not clearCache and Alive notin acc.flags:
cleanAccounts.incl address
acc.flags = acc.flags - resetFlags
if clearCache:
for x in cleanAccounts:
ac.savePoint.cache.del x
# EIP2929
ac.isDirty = false
proc getStorageRoot*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): Hash256 =
# beware that if the account not persisted,
# the storage root will not be updated
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: emptyAcc.storageRoot
else: acc.account.storageRoot
func update(wd: var WitnessData, acc: RefAccount) =
# once the code is touched make sure it doesn't get reset back to false in another update
if not wd.codeTouched:
wd.codeTouched = CodeChanged in acc.flags or CodeLoaded in acc.flags
if not acc.originalStorage.isNil:
for k, v in acc.originalStorage:
if v.isZero: continue
wd.storageKeys.incl k
for k, v in acc.overlayStorage:
wd.storageKeys.incl k
func witnessData(acc: RefAccount): WitnessData =
result.storageKeys = initHashSet[UInt256]()
update(result, acc)
proc collectWitnessData*(ac: AccountsCache) =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
# usually witness data is collected before we call persist()
for address, acc in ac.savePoint.cache:
ac.witnessCache.withValue(address, val) do:
update(val[], acc)
ac.witnessCache[address] = witnessData(acc)
func multiKeys(slots: HashSet[UInt256]): MultiKeysRef =
if slots.len == 0: return
new result
for x in slots:
result.add x.toBytesBE
proc makeMultiKeys*(ac: AccountsCache): MultiKeysRef =
# this proc is called after we done executing a block
new result
for k, v in ac.witnessCache:
result.add(k, v.codeTouched, multiKeys(v.storageKeys))