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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
# Attempt to re-org to a chain which at some point contains an unknown payload which is also invalid.
# Then reveal the invalid payload and expect that the client rejects it and rejects forkchoice updated calls to this chain.
# The invalidIndex parameter determines how many payloads apart is the common ancestor from the block that invalidates the chain,
# with a value of 1 meaning that the immediate payload after the common ancestor will be invalid.
InvalidMissingAncestorReOrgTest* = ref object of EngineSpec
sidechainLength* : int
invalidIndex* : int
invalidField* : InvalidPayloadBlockField
emptyTransactions*: bool
Shadow = ref object
payloads: seq[ExecutableData]
n: int
cAHeight: int
method withMainFork(cs: InvalidMissingAncestorReOrgTest, fork: EngineFork): BaseSpec =
var res = cs.clone()
res.mainFork = fork
return res
method getName(cs: InvalidMissingAncestorReOrgTest): string =
"Invalid Missing Ancestor ReOrg, $1, EmptyTxs=$2, Invalid P$3" % [
$cs.invalidField, $cs.emptyTransactions, $cs.invalidIndex]
method execute(cs: InvalidMissingAncestorReOrgTest, env: TestEnv): bool =
# Wait until TTD is reached by this client
let ok = waitFor env.clMock.waitForTTD()
testCond ok
# Produce blocks before starting the test
testCond env.clMock.produceBlocks(5, BlockProcessCallbacks())
# Save the common ancestor
let cA = env.clMock.latestExecutableData
# Slice to save the side B chain
var shadow = Shadow()
# Append the common ancestor
# Produce blocks but at the same time create an side chain which contains an invalid payload at some point (INV_P)
# CommonAncestor◄─▲── P1 ◄─ P2 ◄─ P3 ◄─ ... ◄─ Pn
# │
# └── P1' ◄─ P2' ◄─ ... ◄─ INV_P ◄─ ... ◄─ Pn'
var pbRes = env.clMock.produceBlocks(cs.sidechainLength, BlockProcessCallbacks(
onPayloadProducerSelected: proc(): bool =
# Function to send at least one transaction each block produced.
# Empty Txs Payload with invalid stateRoot discovered an issue in geth sync, hence this is customizable.
if not cs.emptyTransactions:
# Send the transaction to the globals.PrevRandaoContractAddr
let eng = env.clMock.nextBlockProducer
let ok = env.sendNextTx(eng, BaseTx(
recipient: some(prevRandaoContractAddr),
amount: 1.u256,
txType: cs.txType,
gasLimit: 75000,
testCond ok:
fatal "Error trying to send transaction"
return true
onGetPayload: proc(): bool =
# Insert extraData to ensure we deviate from the main payload, which contains empty extradata
let customizer = CustomPayloadData(
parentHash: some(ethHash shadow.payloads[^1].blockHash),
extraData: some(@[0x01.byte]),
var sidePayload = customizer.customizePayload(env.clMock.latestExecutableData)
if shadow.payloads.len == cs.invalidIndex:
sidePayload = env.generateInvalidPayload(sidePayload, cs.invalidField)
shadow.payloads.add sidePayload
return true
testCond pbRes
pbRes = env.clMock.produceSingleBlock(BlockProcessCallbacks(
# Note: We perform the test in the middle of payload creation by the CL Mock, in order to be able to
# re-org back into this chain and use the new payload without issues.
onGetPayload: proc(): bool =
# Now let's send the side chain to the client using newPayload/sync
for i in 1..cs.sidechainLength:
# Send the payload
var payloadValidStr = "VALID"
if i == cs.invalidIndex:
payloadValidStr = "INVALID"
elif i > cs.invalidIndex:
payloadValidStr = "VALID with INVALID ancestor"
info "Invalid chain payload",
let version = env.engine.version(shadow.payloads[i].timestamp)
let r = env.engine.client.newPayload(version, shadow.payloads[i])
let fcState = ForkchoiceStateV1(
headblockHash: shadow.payloads[i].blockHash,
let p = env.engine.client.forkchoiceUpdated(version, fcState)
if i == cs.invalidIndex:
# If this is the first payload after the common ancestor, and this is the payload we invalidated,
# then we have all the information to determine that this payload is invalid.
elif i > cs.invalidIndex:
# We have already sent the invalid payload, but the client could've discarded it.
# In reality the CL will not get to this point because it will have already received the `INVALID`
# response from the previous payload.
# The node might save the parent as invalid, thus returning INVALID
r.expectStatusEither([PayloadExecutionStatus.accepted, PayloadExecutionStatus.syncing, PayloadExecutionStatus.invalid])
let status = r.get.status
if status in [PayloadExecutionStatus.accepted, PayloadExecutionStatus.syncing]:
elif status == PayloadExecutionStatus.invalid:
# This is one of the payloads before the invalid one, therefore is valid.
# Resend the latest correct fcU
let version = env.engine.version(env.clMock.latestPayloadBuilt.timestamp)
let r = env.engine.client.forkchoiceUpdated(version, env.clMock.latestForkchoice)
# After this point, the CL Mock will send the next payload of the canonical chain
return true
testCond pbRes
return true
# Attempt to re-org to a chain which at some point contains an unknown payload which is also invalid.
# Then reveal the invalid payload and expect that the client rejects it and rejects forkchoice updated calls to this chain.
InvalidMissingAncestorReOrgSyncTest* = ref object of EngineSpec
# Index of the payload to invalidate, starting with 0 being the common ancestor.
# Value must be greater than 0.
invalidIndex*: int
# Field of the payload to invalidate (see helper module)
invalidField*: InvalidPayloadBlockField
# Whether to create payloads with empty transactions or not:
# Used to test scenarios where the stateRoot is invalidated but its invalidation
# goes unnoticed by the client because of the lack of transactions.
emptyTransactions*: bool
# Height of the common ancestor in the proof-of-stake chain.
# Value of 0 means the common ancestor is the terminal proof-of-work block.
commonAncestorHeight*: Option[int]
# Amount of payloads to produce between the common ancestor and the head of the
# proof-of-stake chain.
deviatingPayloadCount*: Option[int]
# Whether the syncing client must re-org from a canonical chain.
# If set to true, the client is driven through a valid canonical chain first,
# and then the client is prompted to re-org to the invalid chain.
# If set to false, the client is prompted to sync from the genesis
# or start chain (if specified).
reOrgFromCanonical*: bool
method withMainFork(cs: InvalidMissingAncestorReOrgSyncTest, fork: EngineFork): BaseSpec =
var res = cs.clone()
res.mainFork = fork
return res
method getName(cs: InvalidMissingAncestorReOrgSyncTest): string =
"Invalid Missing Ancestor Syncing ReOrg, $1, EmptyTxs=$2, CanonicalReOrg=$3, Invalid P$4" % [
$cs.invalidField, $cs.emptyTransactions, $cs.reOrgFromCanonical, $cs.invalidIndex]
proc executableDataToBlock(ex: ExecutableData): EthBlock =
ethBlock(ex.basePayload, removeBlobs = true, beaconRoot = ex.beaconRoot)
method execute(cs: InvalidMissingAncestorReOrgSyncTest, env: TestEnv): bool =
var sec = env.addEngine(true, cs.reOrgFromCanonical)
# Remove the original client so that it does not receive the payloads created on the canonical chain
if not cs.reOrgFromCanonical:
# Wait until TTD is reached by this client
let ok = waitFor env.clMock.waitForTTD()
testCond ok
let shadow = Shadow(
cAHeight: 5,
n: 10
# Produce blocks before starting the test
# Default is to produce 5 PoS blocks before the common ancestor
if cs.commonAncestorHeight.isSome:
shadow.cAHeight = cs.commonAncestorHeight.get
# Save the common ancestor
doAssert(shadow.cAHeight != 0, "Invalid common ancestor height: " & $shadow.cAHeight)
testCond env.clMock.produceBlocks(shadow.cAHeight, BlockProcessCallbacks())
# Amount of blocks to deviate starting from the common ancestor
# Default is to deviate 10 payloads from the common ancestor
if cs.deviatingPayloadCount.isSome:
shadow.n = cs.deviatingPayloadCount.get
# Slice to save the side B chain
# Append the common ancestor
shadow.payloads.add env.clMock.latestExecutableData
if not cs.reOrgFromCanonical:
# Add back the original client before side chain production
# Produce blocks but at the same time create an side chain which contains an invalid payload at some point (INV_P)
# CommonAncestor◄─▲── P1 ◄─ P2 ◄─ P3 ◄─ ... ◄─ Pn
# │
# └── P1' ◄─ P2' ◄─ ... ◄─ INV_P ◄─ ... ◄─ Pn'
info "Starting canonical chain production"
var pbRes = env.clMock.produceBlocks(shadow.n, BlockProcessCallbacks(
onPayloadProducerSelected: proc(): bool =
# Function to send at least one transaction each block produced.
# Empty Txs Payload with invalid stateRoot discovered an issue in geth sync, hence this is customizable.
if not cs.emptyTransactions:
# Send the transaction to the globals.PrevRandaoContractAddr
let tc = BaseTx(
recipient: some(prevRandaoContractAddr),
amount: 1.u256,
txType: cs.txType,
gasLimit: 75000,
let ok = env.sendNextTx(env.clMock.nextBlockProducer, tc)
testCond ok:
fatal "Error trying to send transaction: "
return true
onGetPayload: proc(): bool =
# Insert extraData to ensure we deviate from the main payload, which contains empty extradata
pHash = shadow.payloads[^1].blockHash
customizer = CustomPayloadData(
parentHash: some(ethHash pHash),
extraData: some(@[0x01.byte]),
sidePayload = customizer.customizePayload(env.clMock.latestExecutableData)
if shadow.payloads.len == cs.invalidIndex:
sidePayload = env.generateInvalidPayload(sidePayload, cs.invalidField)
shadow.payloads.add sidePayload
# TODO: This could be useful to try to produce an invalid block that has some invalid field not included in the ExecutableData
#let sideBlock = sidePayload.basePayload
#if shadow.payloads.len == cs.invalidIndex:
# var uncle *types.Block
# if cs.invalidField == InvalidOmmers:
# let number = sideBlock.blockNumber.uint64-1
# doAssert(env.clMock.executedPayloadHistory.hasKey(number), "FAIL: Unable to get uncle block")
# let unclePayload = env.clMock.executedPayloadHistory[number]
# # Uncle is a PoS payload
# uncle, err = ExecutableDataToBlock(*unclePayload)
# # Invalidate fields not available in the ExecutableData
# sideBlock, err = generateInvalidPayloadBlock(sideBlock, uncle, cs.invalidField)
return true
testCond pbRes
info "Starting side chain production"
pbRes = env.clMock.produceSingleBlock(BlockProcessCallbacks(
# Note: We perform the test in the middle of payload creation by the CL Mock, in order to be able to
# re-org back into this chain and use the new payload without issues.
onGetPayload: proc(): bool =
# Now let's send the side chain to the client using newPayload/sync
for i in 1..<shadow.n:
# Send the payload
var payloadValidStr = "VALID"
if i == cs.invalidIndex:
payloadValidStr = "INVALID"
elif i > cs.invalidIndex:
payloadValidStr = "VALID with INVALID ancestor"
info "Invalid chain payload", i, msg=payloadValidStr
if i < cs.invalidIndex:
let p = shadow.payloads[i]
let version = sec.version(p.timestamp)
let r = sec.client.newPayload(version, p)
#r.ExpectationDescription = "Sent modified payload to secondary client, expected to be accepted"
r.expectStatusEither([PayloadExecutionStatus.valid, PayloadExecutionStatus.accepted])
let fcu = ForkchoiceStateV1(
headblockHash: p.blockHash,
let s = sec.client.forkchoiceUpdated(version, fcu)
#s.ExpectationDescription = "Sent modified payload forkchoice updated to secondary client, expected to be accepted"
s.expectStatusEither([PayloadExecutionStatus.valid, PayloadExecutionStatus.syncing])
let invalidBlock = executableDataToBlock(shadow.payloads[i])
testCond sec.client.setBlock(invalidBlock, shadow.payloads[i-1].blockNumber, shadow.payloads[i-1].stateRoot):
fatal "TEST ISSUE - Failed to set invalid block"
info "Invalid block successfully set",
# Check that the second node has the correct head
var res = sec.client.latestHeader()
testCond res.isOk:
fatal "TEST ISSUE - Secondary Node unable to reatrieve latest header: ", msg=res.error
let head = res.get()
testCond head.blockHash == ethHash(shadow.payloads[shadow.n-1].blockHash):
fatal "TEST ISSUE - Secondary Node has invalid blockHash",
info "Secondary Node has correct block"
if not cs.reOrgFromCanonical:
# Add the main client as a peer of the secondary client so it is able to sync
let res = env.engine.client.latestHeader()
testCond res.isOk:
fatal "Unable to query main client for latest block", msg=res.error
let head = res.get
info "Latest block on main client before sync",
# If we are syncing through p2p, we need to keep polling until the client syncs the missing payloads
while true:
let version = env.engine.version(shadow.payloads[shadow.n].timestamp)
let r = env.engine.client.newPayload(version, shadow.payloads[shadow.n])
info "Response from main client", status=r.get.status
let fcu = ForkchoiceStateV1(
headblockHash: shadow.payloads[shadow.n].blockHash,
let s = env.engine.client.forkchoiceUpdated(version, fcu)
info "Response from main client fcu", status=s.get.payloadStatus.status
if r.get.status == PayloadExecutionStatus.invalid:
# We also expect that the client properly returns the LatestValidHash of the block on the
# side chain that is immediately prior to the invalid payload (or zero if parent is PoW)
var lvh: Web3Hash
if shadow.cAHeight != 0 or cs.invalidIndex != 1:
# Parent is NOT Proof of Work
lvh = shadow.payloads[cs.invalidIndex-1].blockHash
# Response on ForkchoiceUpdated should be the same
elif r.get.status == PayloadExecutionStatus.valid:
let res = env.engine.client.latestHeader()
testCond res.isOk:
fatal "Unable to get latest block: ", msg=res.error
# Print last shadow.n blocks, for debugging
let latestNumber = res.get.blockNumber.truncate(int64)
var k = latestNumber - int64(shadow.n)
if k < 0: k = 0
while k <= latestNumber:
let res = env.engine.client.headerByNumber(k.uint64)
testCond res.isOk:
fatal "Unable to get block", number=k, msg=res.error
inc k
fatal "Client returned VALID on an invalid chain", status=r.get.status
return false
if not cs.reOrgFromCanonical:
# We need to send the canonical chain to the main client here
let start = env.clMock.firstPoSBlockNumber.get
let stop = env.clMock.latestExecutedPayload.blockNumber.uint64
for i in start..stop:
if env.clMock.executedPayloadHistory.hasKey(i):
let payload = env.clMock.executedPayloadHistory[i]
let r = env.engine.client.newPayload(payload)
# Resend the latest correct fcU
let version = env.engine.version(env.clMock.latestPayloadBuilt.timestamp)
let r = env.engine.client.forkchoiceUpdated(version, env.clMock.latestForkchoice)
# After this point, the CL Mock will send the next payload of the canonical chain
return true
testCond pbRes
return true