
193 lines
11 KiB

[cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing]]
[ :as network.core]))
(deftest valid-rpc-url-test
(testing "nil?"
(is (not (network.core/valid-rpc-url? nil))))
(testing "a blank url"
(is (not (network.core/valid-rpc-url? ""))))
(testing "a url without a protocol"
(is (not (network.core/valid-rpc-url? "something"))))
(testing "a url without a protocol"
(is (not (network.core/valid-rpc-url? "http://something with space"))))
(testing "a url without a hostname"
(is (not (network.core/valid-rpc-url? "https://"))))
(testing "an uppercase HTTP url"
(is (not (network.core/valid-rpc-url? "HTTP://"))))
(testing "an http url"
(is (network.core/valid-rpc-url? "")))
(testing "an https url"
(is (network.core/valid-rpc-url? "https://valid.something.else")))
(testing "a fully qualified url"
(is (network.core/valid-rpc-url? "")))
(testing "an ip address"
(is (network.core/valid-rpc-url? "")))
(testing "localhost"
(is (network.core/valid-rpc-url? "https://localhost")))
(testing "a fully qualified url, ip address"
(is (network.core/valid-rpc-url? "")))
(testing "an https url not on the default port"
(is (network.core/valid-rpc-url? "https://valid.something.else:65323"))))
(deftest new-network-test
(let [actual (network.core/new-network "randomid"
(is (= {:id "randomid"
:name "network-name"
:symbol "network-symbol"
:config {:NetworkId 1
:DataDir "/ethereum/mainnet_rpc"
:UpstreamConfig {:Enabled true
:URL "upstream-url"}}}
(deftest new-network-id-test
(let [actual (network.core/new-network "randomid"
(is (= {:id "randomid"
:name "network-name"
:symbol "network-symbol"
:config {:NetworkId 5777
:DataDir "/ethereum/mainnet_rpc"
:UpstreamConfig {:Enabled true
:URL "upstream-url"}}}
(deftest valid-manage-test
(testing "a valid manage"
(is (network.core/valid-manage? {:url {:value ""}
:name {:value "valid"}
:symbol {:value "valid"}
:chain {:value "valid"}})))
(testing "invalid url"
(is (not (network.core/valid-manage? {:url {:value "invalid"}
:name {:value "valid"}
:symbol {:value "valid"}
:chain {:value "valid"}}))))
(testing "invalid name"
(is (not (network.core/valid-manage? {:url {:value ""}
:name {:value ""}
:symbol {:value "valid"}
:chain {:value "valid"}}))))
(testing "invalid chain"
(is (not (network.core/valid-manage? {:url {:value ""}
:name {:value "valid"}
:symbol {:value "valid"}
:chain {:value ""}}))))
(testing "invalid symbol"
(is (not (network.core/valid-manage? {:url {:value ""}
:name {:value "valid"}
:symbol {:value ""}
:chain {:value "valid"}})))))
(deftest set-input-test
(testing "it updates and validate a field"
(= {:db {:networks/manage {:url {:value ""
:error false}
:name {:value ""
:error true}
:symbol {:value "symbol"
:error false}
:chain {:value "mainnet"
:error false}
:network-id {:value nil
:error false}}}}
(network.core/set-input {:db {:networks/manage {:url {:value "something"
:error true}
:name {:value ""
:error false}
:symbol {:value "symbol"
:error false}
:chain {:value "mainnet"
:error false}}}}
(deftest not-save-invalid-url
(testing "it does not save a network with an invalid url"
(:ui/show-error (network.core/save {:random-id-generator (constantly "random")
:db {:networks/manage {:url {:value "wrong"}
:chain {:value "1"}
:name {:value "empty"}}
:profile/profile {}}})))))
(deftest save-valid-network
(testing "save a valid network"
(let [fx (network.core/save
{:random-id-generator (constantly "random-id")
:db {:networks/manage {:url {:value ""}
:chain {:value :mainnet}
:symbol {:value "symbol"}
:name {:value "valid"}}
:profile/profile {}
:networks/networks {"random2"
{:id "random2"
:name "network-name"
:symbol "symbol"
:config {:NetworkId 1
:DataDir "/ethereum/mainnet_rpc"
{:Enabled true
:URL "upstream-url"}}}}}})]
(is (= "settings_saveSetting" (:method (first (:json-rpc/call fx)))))
(is (nil? (:networks/manage (:db fx))))
(testing "and check that it has an id with `-` and the correct mainnet NetworkId"
(is (= 1 (get-in fx [:db :networks/networks "randomid" :config :NetworkId])))))))
(deftest not-save-custom-chain-with-non-unique-id
(testing "it does not save a custom chain with network-id already defined"
(let [result (network.core/save
{:random-id-generator (constantly "already-defined")
:db {:networks/manage {:url {:value ""}
:chain {:value :custom}
:name {:value "valid"}
:network-id {:value 1}}
:profile/profile {}
:networks/networks {"random"
{:id "random"
:name "network-name"
:config {:NetworkId 1
:DataDir "/ethereum/mainnet_rpc"
{:Enabled true
:URL "upstream-url"}}}}}})]
(is (:ui/show-error result)))))
(deftest save-valid-network-with-unique-chain-id-check
(testing "save a valid network with chain-id not already defined"
(let [fx (network.core/save
{:random-id-generator (constantly "random")
:db {:networks/manage {:url {:value ""}
:chain {:value :mainnet}
:name {:value "valid"}
:symbol {:value "symbol"}
:network-id {:value 5}}
:profile/profile {}
:networks/networks {"randomid"
{:id "randomid"
:name "network-name"
:symbol "symbol"
:config {:NetworkId 3
:DataDir "/ethereum/mainnet_rpc"
{:Enabled true
:URL "upstream-url"}}}}}})]
(is (= "settings_saveSetting" (:method (first (:json-rpc/call fx)))))
(is (nil? (:networks/manage (:db fx))))
(is (get-in fx [:db :networks/networks "random"])))))